hi, my name is

Jimmy Chan

I am a Full-Stack Dev

Passionate software developer pursuing a Master of Science in Computer Science with a strong foundation in web development, seeking a software engineering or frontend engineering internship to contribute to the creation of dynamic, responsive, and user-friendly websites and applications

I'm Jimmy Chan.

I have been building full-stack and front-end applications for 1 year & learning new technologies. Offering you communication, good judgment, and organization skills. With strong passion in full-stack development, I am eager to learn new things. Ready to help teams achieve new goals.

🍜 When I'm not coding, I like trying out new food and watching livestreams.

My preferred weapons of choice: 👇

Javascript (NodeJs)
React / NextJS/ Vite
Redux / Context


Tech Stack

Javascript, TypeScript, Solidity, Python, HTML5, CSS3


Vite, React, Redux, NextJS, NodeJS, Tailwind CSS

Graphic Design

Photoshop, Figma


GraphQL, PostgreSQL, Firebase, MongoDB, Amazon S3, SQL


VSCode, CodeSandbox

My Coding Projects

Web3 Crowdfunding App

A crowdfunding platform leverging solidity and thirdweb contract deployment to securely create unlimited campaigns, view campaign details, and donate to crowdfunding campaigns directly through the blockchain.

🔗Github Repo

Solidity smart contract
Thirdweb contract deployment
Tailwind CSS for fully responsive UI

Multiplayer NFT Game

A web3 battle-style online multiplayer card game with a stunning design, interactive gameplay, smart wallet pairing, live interaction with smart contracts, and most importantly, seamlessly battle other players in real-time.

🔗Github Repo

Solidity smart contract
Avalanche platform for dApps
Tailwind CSS

Crypto Lottery App

A web3 crypto lottery app leveraging smart contract with Solidity, connected to Metamask wallet, and deployed on Thirdweb. It features lottery purchasing and drawing on the blockchain with admins controls.

🔗Github Repo

Solidity smart contract
Thirdweb contract deployment
Tailwind CSS

Social Media with NextJS

A reddit style social media app showcasing fully responsove UI with Tailwind CSS. You can sign in/sign out with NextJS authentication, add subreddit/post/images and comment on any post. Utilizing Stepzen to simplify building GraphQL API, and NextJS's routing to speed up page load.

🔗Github Repo

Stepzen/Supabase as headless CMS
Tailwind CSS for styling

Blog App with GraphQL

With featured and recent posts, categories, full markdown articles, author information, comments, and much more, this fully responsive HeadlessCMS Blog App is the finest GraphQL Blog Application. Best of all, you can manage the blog from a dedicated Content Management System. Built with the newest technologies such as React JS, NextJS, Tailwind CSS, GraphQL, and GraphCMS.

🔗Github Repo

GraphCMS as headless CMS
Tailwind CSS for styling

Full Stack E-Commerce App

A full-stack Amazon style app showcasing an elegant interface with Context API. You can add/remove items to the shopping cart, leveraging the capability of cloud functions to make purchase with Stripe API. Utilizing Firebase user authentication and storage system to retrieve order history.

🔗Github Repo

React/Context API
ExpressJS/Firebase to deploy cloud functions
Stripe API for secure payment processing
Firebase for user authentication/order database

Youtube Style Video Sharing App

A full-stack Youtube-like app leveraging Redux-toolkit, Express server, and Firebase. You are able to register/authenticate/authorize user, upload videos, post/edit/delete comments, like/dislike a video, subscribe/unsubscribe to channels, search videos, see recommended videos, and watch videos.

🔗Github Repo

NodeJS(ExpressJS) as server
Google Authentication/Authorization

My Experience


Freelance Frontend Developer

I collaborated with clients to gather requirements, completing projects within a 95% on-time delivery rate while maintaining an average client satisfaction score of 4.8/5


AI Field Scanner

I collaborated with logistics and data teams to capture and process scan data for system AI to improve on product recognition.


Order Entry Clerk

I worked with sales, logistics, and warehouse for order fulfillments/shipping/invoices and customer support.

My Education


Master of Science, CS

Georgia Institute of Technology


Post Bach, CS

California State University, Long Beach


Bachelor of Science

University of California, Irvine

Want me building stuff for you? Hit me on LinkedIn